Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Head shots | Columbus, GA Photographer

Yesterday I posted a few images of the Hale brothers-today I wanted to show you a few head shots of just their mama. She is an author! She has literally written novels! As one who also loves to write, can I just say this fascinates me! She has an agent and is waiting to see when a publisher will pick up her manuscript and give her a contract.

She really needed some good head shots to use for publicity at writers conferences, business cards, blogs etc. Hopefully-one day soon, one of these shots will be on the back of one of her published novels! You can check out her writing and more information on her amazing testimony at You can also follow her on Twitter at!/JenniferKHale I had a blast with you Jennifer and I am so blessed to be a part of your writing journey!

1 comment:

  1. :) Thanks for your sweet words and hard work for these wonderful shots!
